Open Source Intelligence Gathering

Grabbing Exploitation points from OSINT

A series of scripts to gather vulnerabilities from publicy facing assets

This is under construction but the basics are here:

~/nuclei-templates/grep -rn shodan | tee OSINT_Metric1.txt

Creates a list like this:

CVE-2023-31465.yaml:24:    shodan-query: http.favicon.hash:2134367771
CVE-2010-0219.yaml:30:    shodan-query: http.html:"Apache Axis"
CVE-2017-14135.yaml:29:    shodan-query: title:"Dreambox WebControl"
docker-daemon-exposed.yaml:12:    shodan-query: port:2375 product:"docker"
CVE-2016-6195.yaml:32:    shodan-query: title:"Powered By vBulletin"
CVE-2017-17731.yaml:30:    shodan-query: http.html:"DedeCms"
CVE-2017-7925.yaml:29:    shodan-query: http.favicon.hash:2019488876
CVE-2017-9791.yaml:32:    shodan-query: title:"Struts2 Showcase"
fortiportal-log4j-rce.yaml:18:    shodan-query: html:"FortiPortal"
CVE-2022-39952.yaml:30:    shodan-query: title:"FortiNAC"
CVE-2019-16759.yaml:30:    shodan-query: http.component:"vBulletin"
CVE-2022-22954.yaml:30:    shodan-query: http.favicon.hash:-1250474341
CVE-2021-36260.yaml:30:    shodan-query: http.favicon.hash:999357577

while IFS= read -r line
    yaml=$(echo "$line" | cut -d ':' -f1)
    echo $yaml
    query=$(echo $line | cut -d ':' -f4,5,6,7,8)
    echo $query

    shodan=$(echo "$query" | sed 's|:|%3A|g' | sed 's| |%20|g')
    echo $shodan

    curl -X GET "$shodan+country%3A"US"" | jq | tee ../thing2/$yaml.json

    cat ../thing2/$yaml.json | jq | grep ip_str | cut -d '"' -f4 | httprobe | nuclei -t $yaml -nc -j| tee -a ../vulnerable.json
    sleep 30
done < OSINT_Metric1.txt